Community Groups in Bathurst







Uniting Church

0431 697 143 or use the national help line:
1300 252 666.

Uniting Church Hall around the back, there are signs to follow. 
140a William St, Bathurst.

Tuesdays at 5:00pm.

A support group for relatives and friends of those who have been affected by alcoholics or by alcohol usage. Anomonous. 

Alligri Singers

0409 771 214

9 Church St, Bathurst.

Tuesdays at
6:30pm – 8:30pm.

Classical music quoir rehersals and performances are explained at meetings. New members are always welcome.

Bathurst Community Climate Action Network

0414 955 049

The Neighbourhood Centre (96 Russell St, Bathurst).

Tuesdays at

Bathurst District Bridge Club


0435 976 545

Club Hall
(47 Mitre St, Bathurst).

Monday – Friday

There are various events on other days. All new members are welcome. They do free bridge lessons as well.

A FREE & CONFIDENTIAL space for blokes supporting other blokes through
the challenges of life

1300 798 258

Upstairs Co-working space,
Level 1, 203-209 Russell
Street, Bathurst

of every month
6 – 8pm

A Growth Room is your chance to work towards better mental health and an improved quality of life.

Bathurst Handweavers & Spinners Group

1st Tuesday:
2nd Tuesday:
Weaving course
3rd Tuesday:
General meeting
4th Tuesday:
Advanced weaving
5th Tuesday:
Lunch outing

0408 217 783

Please contact to find out where to meet and for other information.

Tuesdays at

$25 membership for a year or $5 a week. Also can be emailed at

Kelso Community Hub

Various Activities, Women’s Group.

6331 2407

Kelso Community Centre (24 Bonner St, Kelso.

Various times for activities. Women’s Group – Monday 1:00pm  -2:30pm.

More information is provided on their website as well as phoning in.

Lead Lighting

6334 3493

Lead Light Window Shop (89 Stewart St, Bathurst).

Monday – Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm
Tuesday Classes 10:00am – 1:00pm, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Saturday Workshops:
10:00am – 1:00pm.

Happy for anyone to browse and ask questions. Please phone in before coming into a class so they have an idea for numbers.

Maquarie Male Singers


0427 874 435

Assumption School Hall (192 Mitre St, Bathurst).

Tuesdays at 7:30pm.

New members are needed and are welcome! You don’t have to know how to sing , just hold a note. They have a wide variety of songs that they rehearce. They want to promote how singing has many benefits. They perfrom in a variety of areas and in events.

Motors 4×4 Club

0427 874 435

Bathurst RSL Club (114 Rankin St, Bathurst).

Tuesdays at

Rankin Cottage

0497 015 964

Rankin Cottage
(117 Rankin St, Bathurst).

Tuesday – Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm.

Closed Public Holidays.

Rotary Club of Bathurst

0412 522 771 or bathurstrotary@

Bathurst RSL Club
(114 Rankin St, Bathurst).

Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

Please email Berell for questions and information.

of 3rd Age)

Various Activities

0429 916 618


Please use the website online for the rest of the information.