Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Objective: To support the development of a home support service system and enable Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service providers to operate effectively in line with the objectives of the CHSP and within the context of the broader aged care system. Funding is provided by Commonwealth Department of Health.

How TNC can support communities:

Brokering, coordinating, delivering training and education to service providers, workforce, and consumers

Supporting and maintaining volunteering across the sector, including recruitment, engagement and recognition of volunteers

Supporting aged care clients to navigate the aged care system, particularly clients with diverse needs

Implementing a Wellness and Reablement approach translating with the client each identified goal into smaller steps to enable clients to progress their goals

Developing and promoting collaborative partnerships within CHSP and across the broader aged care service system, through extensive networks



Consumers in the Aged Care Sector

Providers in the Aged Care Sector

Should you wish to speak with one of our staff please contact us on 6332 4866 or alternatively on