Volunteers in Aged Care Sector
Swinburne University’s Wellbeing Clinic is holding a webinar on grief and loss.
The webinar will explore the losses associated with ageing and practical ways to support the grieving older person.
This webinar is for people working in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older people.
When: Friday 20 September, 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST)
For more information, see Swinburne University’s webinar schedule 6
AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) Training for CHSP Volunteers
Key points:
Training is fully online with Lisa Mills
Access is for 12 months
One enrolment is for course 1 & 2
Licenses are not transferable so please do not enrol if you do not intend to complete the training
You can read more about Lisa and the courses here: Lisa Mills Online 8
In these courses you will learn:
About Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
About deafness, Deaf Community and Culture
Auslan vocabulary & how to sign short Auslan sentences or phrases
Learn how to communicate with deaf people in Auslan without voice
Develop an appreciation for Auslan & develop practical Auslan skills
Access genuine Auslan with a deaf teacher
Learn through fun and informal online video tutorials & a student handbook
Receive a good introduction before committing to accredited course.
If you wish to enrol please email Adriana Pezzutto with your name, the organisation you volunteer for and your volunteer position title, information about enrolment will then be sent to you
CHSP Provider Information for Volunteers
Community Connect Northern Beaches has created the following document:
Volunteer Information.pdf (198.1 KB)
It is distributed to volunteers and aims to improve understanding and awareness of the importance of CHSP service delivery – to help older people to live independently and safely at home.
Feedback is welcome on this document, either by contacting Tom Beeh at Community Connect Northern Beaches on 0426 933 133 or email Tom at tomb@lets-connect.com.au or by completing the attached questionnaire and forwarding it to Community Connect (Email: info@lets-connect.com.au).
NSW Ageing and Disability – Elder Abuse for professionals
This introductory online training course will improve your detection and response to abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Mental Health Support (Staff and Volunteers) (1hr)
Poor mental health and mental health conditions are one of the number one reasons that people visit their GP, but do you and your staff know how to support someone with a mental health concern? In this workshop we look at signs that someone requires help, we explore empathy and what it means to be a good listener. We also look at how you can support and talk to someone to manage their mental health.
Learning outcomes:
- What are the reasons people need support?
- When should I be concerned?
- The importance of listening.
- Ways to support someone whilst maintaining our boundaries.
Facilitated by: Adam Holstein
Date: Tuesday 30th April
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm AEST
Mental Health Support Training | Humanitix
Volunteers and Volunteer Managers: New training and resources available
New training and resources are now available for volunteers and volunteer managers in aged care.
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission have published new resources 37 including videos, factsheets, and online modules.
Topics include the:
- Code of Conduct for Aged Care
- Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)
- Complaints process.
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has also published OPAN resources for volunteers 22 on:
- elder abuse
- the role of OPAN as an advocacy service.
Aged Rights Advocacy Service – Presentation for Volunteers in Aged Care
Free online presentation for volunteers in aged care by the Aged Rights Advocacy Service on
Monday, December 4, 11:00am-12:00pm AEDT
CHSP Provider Information for Volunteers
Community Connect Northern Beaches has created the following document:
Volunteer Information.pdf (198.1 KB)
It is distributed to volunteers and aims to improve understanding and awareness of the importance of CHSP service delivery – to help older people to live independently and safely at home.
Feedback is welcome on this document, either by contacting Tom Beeh at Community Connect Northern Beaches on 0426 933 133 or email Tom at tomb@lets-connect.com.au or by completing the attached questionnaire and forwarding it to Community Connect (Email: info@lets-connect.com.au).
Volunteers and Volunteer Managers: New training and resources available
New training and resources are now available for volunteers and volunteer managers in aged care.
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission have published new resources 15 including videos, factsheets, and online modules.
Topics include the:
- Code of Conduct for Aged Care
- Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)
- Complaints process.
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has also published OPAN resources for volunteers 10 on:
- elder abuse
- the role of OPAN as an advocacy service.
Free Aged Care Learning Packages
Wicking has developed free Equip Aged Care Learning Packages which are now available for anyone interested in the aged care sector, including personal care workers, nurses, allied health professionals, volunteers and families.
- FREE – all modules are completely free
- Learn when it suits you. Modules can be accessed at any time
- Each module only takes around 10 minutes to complete
- Accessible on a phone, tablet, or computer
Each learning module highlights key concepts on contemporary aged care topics and encourages participants to continue their learning by providing additional resources
A free, downloadable certificate of completion is available for each module. On completion of all modules in the introductory or refresher learning package, an additional certificate is available which details learning and CPD hours.
Click here to learn more
• The Orange Ex-Services Club
Sector Support and Development. Community of Practice.
A discussion platform for SSD providers, peak bodies and the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Click here for more.
Volunteering Resource Hub
The Volunteering Resource Hub, an initiative of Volunteering Australia, brings together useful, evidence-based and current best practice resources, tools, research and information to support effective volunteer management.
Click here for more.
National Standards for Volunteer Involvement
The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement are being refreshed to ensure they reflect the contemporary environment and continue to support the volunteering ecosystem. The project is being lead by Volunteering Australia with the support of Volunteering SA&NT.
Click here for more.
National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-2033
Following a rigorous and inspiring 12-month co-design journey Australia has a new shared agenda for a reimagined future for volunteering. The National Strategy for Volunteering, co-created by stakeholders from across the volunteering ecosystem, provides a blueprint for the next ten years that will enable volunteering in Australia to thrive.
Click here for more.