Backyard Renovations
We would like to give a MASSIVE thank you to all the volunteer working bee’s that have helped renovate The Neighbourhood Centre’s backyard.
This will soon be a great space for the many groups that we have coming to The Neighbourhood Centre, including “D-Caf” (for people with dementia and their carers), MenConnect Bathurst Men’s Support Group, AA and the Multicultural Women’s Group – and will be fantastic for events that we hold such as International Volunteer Day and “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea”. In the future it will be lovely for a Chair Yoga Class, Preschool Groups and School Holiday Workshops!
If you would like to get involved, we are looking for plant donations and people to volunteer as a working bee, planting/gardening for the next stage of the renovation (Date TBC).
If you are interested, please give us a call on 6332 4866.
Thank you!!
We would like to give a HUGE thank you to:
– Rotary Club of Bathurst
– Hothams – Sand, Soil, Gravel & Mulch in Bathurst
– MacKillop College – Bathurst
– Petries Mitre 10
– The Truss and Frame Factory
– Bunnings Warehouse – Bathurst
& The Neighbourhood Centre’s Volunteers.