Work Development Orders


The Neighbourhood Centre is a sponsor for Work Development Order
Program (WDO).

Eligible people can pay off their fines through activities such as:

–  Volunteer work
–  Tafe / University courses
–  Counselling
–  Medical or mental health treatment
–  Drug and alcohol treatment
–  Mentoring programs

For Bathurst inquiries, give us a call on 6332 4866.

For Oberon inquiries, give us a call on 6336 0909.

Since the WDO program began, with The Neighbourhood Centre, TNC has cleared over $116k in debts, providing support, and hope with those most vulnerable in the local community.
“I just wanted to say that I think The Neighbourhood Centre is doing a fantastic job as a WDO provider. Honestly, your commitment to the scheme makes my heart sing” – Karen Gollard, Legal Aid NSW

Click here to view a list of WDO activities.