Exercise is great for wellbeing.
Group exercise has additional benefits of guidance and social interaction.

Mind+Move Remain Active

Host Organisation: Catholic Healthcare

Description and focus of program: An ongoing fitness, balance, and flexibility program to build strength and flexibility and help increase energy and maintain mobility. Exercises include light cardio, strength and resistance exercises, balance, flexibility and stretching.​

Cost: $5

Where: Cathedral Parish Centre, 100 George Street, Bathurst
When: Wednesday 9-10am

Fitness requirements: Mobile and able to walk without an aide, already somewhat active and undertake regular exercise.
Eligibility: Seniors 65+

Website: Leisure & Wellness Club, Mind and Move | Catholic Healthcare

Contact Name: Jane Thompson
Email: Jane.Thompson@chcs.com.au

Phone: 1300 978 264

CRICOS provider code: 00917K